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Cartridge Belt, M1923
This belt has ten pockets where ammo clips for the
M1 Garand rifle are held. It's also where the canteen,
first aid pouch and for the haversack and other accessories attach to.
Canteen and Cover, M-1910
First Aid Pouch
Entrenching Tool, M-1910
Bayonet, M-1 and Scabbard M-7
The bayonet is an optional piece of equipment that really adds to an impression. Bayonets may never be fastened to the rifle during battle for safety reasons. Original 10 inch bayonet or cut down with M7 plastic scabbard. 16 inch M1910 or M1942 Bayonets are acceptable for early war (1941 - 1943) events.
Haversack, M-1928
This is the standard pack used early in the war. It had just enough room for a change of clothes, a poncho, personal items like a shaving kit and maybe some K- rations. The haversack also supports the cartridge belt which other gear attach to. It should come with a meatcan pouch but if it doesn't you can get one separately. There is also another set of straps called the M1936 suspenders where it holds up the cartridge belt but has no carrying capacity. You may have a choice between the two. This equipment is usually referred to as Web-gear.
Meatcan, M-1928
This is what you eat out of and usually called a mess tin. It is usually an inexpensive item and helps make the impression complete.